Category: Blog
烏鬼井(Wuguijing) 今年二月我去臺南玩時,在安靜的住宅區找到古蹟,叫「烏鬼井」,只有一個水井。聽説它是十七世紀中期開鑿的,當時來往船隻及當地人利用。大部分的游客可能對這個古蹟沒有興趣,但是我感非常興趣因為我在網路上查了它知道那裡的住民是印尼的班達島人了。When I traveled to Tainan this February, I found a historic spot by chance in a calm residential area. The spot is a well, called “烏鬼井(Wuguijing)”. It is said that the well was dug in the mid-17th century and for ships and local people in those days. Tourists might have no interest in it…
窄門咖啡(NARROW DOOR CAFE) 上個月我到臺南旅游時,去一家有特色的咖啡廳了。這家咖啡廳是自從幾年前我在網站上看以後一直想去的。這咖啡廳最大的特色是入口,真窄!我很幸運因爲我能走進去和在咖啡廳喝一杯好喝的咖啡。 When I traveled to Tainan City, I visited a coffee shop “窄門咖啡”, where I always wanted to go since I had known about it on the Internet a few years before. The cafe is famous for its entrance, really really narrow! I was lucky because I was able to go through…
2024 今年我第一次在台北跨年,台北101的煙火表演真漂亮。我在台灣學了四個月的中文了,一點也不難寫漢字,也大概看得懂中文,可是中文的聲調極難學。 I enjoyed Taipei101 New Year Firewoks for the first time this year. The show was really fantastic. 4 months already have passed since I started to study Mandarin in Taipei. It’s easy to write and read the language, but tones of its words are extremely difficult.
Home 白沙好美麗的夕陽 There are a lot of places to see sunrise or sunset around the world and Baisha(白沙) in Kenting National Park(墾丁國家公園) is one of those. It’s well worth visiting though you need a car or a motorcycle to get to the sightseeing spot. I went there on an e-scooter, which could ride without a…
Sign It’s almost the end of the flowering season of cherry blossoms. They are fluttering down and new leaves are sprouting. (The center part of cherry flowers is green color at first, and when it turns red, it’s a sign that they will fall soon.)
Date/棗子(zaozi) I ate a fresh date for the first time in my life. It looked like a small apple and its taste and feel in the mouth was like ones of pear. 台灣棗子,看起來蘋果,嘗起來像梨子。
First post
First post The website has opened. 😀